It was the thing to do
I made a profession of faith and got baptized when I was 7. However, I just did it because it was “the thing to do”, and I didn’t truly understand the Gospel. I believed in God and thought I was a good person, but there was no true change in my heart at that point. I had no real desire to read the Bible or pray- and I was afraid of the thought that I might not have free will to do whatever I pleased once I grew up. While reading about missionaries, I determined that I would not allow myself to become one.
A few years later God began revealing Himself to me, who He is, what He has done, and my need for Him. The more I began studying astronomy, the more in awe I was of the God who created all those stars- how could I not want to know Him? So I began reading the Bible and good Christian books more, and listening to sermons, and was moved by the fact that even though I am a wretched sinner against the God who created and upholds the universe, He sent Jesus to suffer and die on the Cross to take my punishment, then rose again. The glorious truth of the Gospel, as I finally came to truly understand and believe it, humbled me and changed my heart.
I don’t remember the exact date, but one night I got on my knees, and cried out to God. From that point I turned from my sinful nature and trusted in Christ alone. Ever since that time He’s given me a love for Himself and His Word, and a burning desire to make Him known to the lost- He made me into a missionary after all. 🙂 I know I’m saved because of what Christ has done. I’m so grateful for God and His work in my life to bring glory to Himself.
As I have shared the Gospel on college campuses over the years, God has given me a heart for college students. Christian Collegian Network is a wonderful ministry, because it focuses on the spiritual needs of every student, by both evangelize the lost and disciple the found. The mission is to glorify God and point everyone to Him. I’m blessed to be a campus leader with CCN.