Ministry Training
What is Ministry Training?
Ministry training takes many forms at CCN. We focus on making Christian Biblical leaders by training them in practical theology, apologetics, leadership, and Christian living.
For students, most of our ministry training takes place in our weekly campus fellowships and outreaches. In our weekly campus fellowships, there are times of Bible Study, training in apologetics, and training in evangelism. Many fellowships hold outreaches once a week where the things that are taught in the fellowships are almost immediately applied. There is also a level of accountability where each member sharpens another member in their day to day lives.
Our goal in all of our training is to take what the Bible teaches and make it applicable in our daily walk. This is why part of our training is the outreaches that we hold on our campuses and in our communities. We also use crash courses in evangelism to come alongside local churches and ministries to train them in Evangelism. Campus leaders have trained in monthly discipleship meetings as well as retreats and mission trips. As we train others, we better learn and apply the principles ourselves. In CCN, We truly are preparing Biblical leaders for the next generation.
We have a list of books that you should read to help you serve the Lord. click here