Welcome to Biblical Evangelism 101
Here you can learn how to share the gospel message with your friends, co-workers, family, and even strangers using simple, effective, and biblical audio/visual tools.
In order to apply for Campus Leadership and attend CCN Evangelism Camps and Mission Trips, you must understand and agree to biblical evangelism.
Start Learning
Lesson One: How to Preach the Gospel Biblically
Listen to the audio teaching entitled Hell’s Best Kept Secret and learn what we consider is the most important, foundational message in evangelism today. Be sure to put these principles into practice the next time you share the gospel. Download the “Steps to Share Your Faith Guide” guide to help keep you on the right track as you venture to witness for the first time!
Lesson Two: The Difference Between True and False Converts
The following message entitled True and False Conversions builds upon the previous lesson. Learn what not to do in evangelism and why the repercussions of unbiblical evangelism are entirely devastating.
Lesson Three: Learn from Examples
Repetition is the mother of all learning. Watch multiple clips of Christians evangelizing, sharing the biblical gospel. Then, go out and share the gospel with others. Pick from numerous examples and watch as many as you wish.
Welcome to Biblical Evangelism 102
Building upon the foundational messages of Biblical Evangelism 101, Biblical Evangelism 102 will help you to progress in your ability to share the gospel biblically, effectively, and boldly with others through the use of apologetics.
Continue Learning
Lesson Four: Apologetics – Answer Common Questions and Objections
Apologetics is the branch of theology that is concerned with the defending and proving of the faith. Learn how to answer some common questions and objections to faith.
Go to the Living Waters Page to read up on the answers to the most common questions.
Go Deeper
Now that you have completed the foundational and intermediate lessons, go deeper by visiting the following sites and researching additional information on apologetics. Remember, as you witness, you will not always know how to answer every question. It’s OK to tell someone that you do not know the answer and will get back to him/her. Therefore, continue to study so that you can effectively share and defend the gospel.
Suggested Books
Tactics by Greg Koukl
Ask them why by Jay Lucas
The Rights Fight by Jay Lucas
On the Origin of Kinds, by Means of Creator God and The Preservation of Souls in the Struggle for Eternity by Dr. Anthony R. Silvestro Jr and Jonathan Eckel Ev.
Apologetics by John Frame
The Ultimate Proof of Creation resolving the origins debate by Jason Lisle
Suggested Websites