What is Evangelism at CCN?
“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.” -Is 52:7.
This encouraging verse from Isaiah displays the view of God toward those who bring the good news of salvation to the people. This is the main part of the ministry of CCN – to bring the good news of God’s salvation through Jesus to people in many environments, but with a focus on college campuses.
This is the central fundamental pillar of the ministry
Evangelism is a central fundamental pillar of the ministry of following God’s Great Commission to the church. The first step of making disciples is proclaiming the salvation that God offers by surrender to His Son, Jesus who died and paid the price for our sin at Calvary about 2000 years ago. At CCN this proclamation is done in many ways, all with an intent to share this good news with boldness and a commitment to its truth.
There are two major approaches to evangelism that CCN uses to share the gospel. The first major approach often used is person-to-person evangelism where the gospel is conveyed by direct interaction with one person or a small group in any environment. Often in this style of evangelism tracts or aids are used to stimulate discussion with individuals that can lead to deep discussions about who Jesus is and what He has done for us. The second approach is Open Air Evangelism. In this style of evangelism the speaker stands in the presence of a group in an environment like the campus grounds and begins to proclaim the good news of Christ. The intent of this style of evangelism is to call together a group to hear the message and often stimulate an interaction with the crowd to better convey the truth of the gospel.
In summary, the intent of CCN is to proclaim Jesus and the good news of what He has done for us. Through these efforts we hope many come to know Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of their lives.