There are 6 Pillars that CCN stands upon. Christian Collegian Network is all about Evangelism of the lost and Discipleship of the found. Therefore, we help Christians learn how to share and defend their faith and have sound doctrine. We want Christians who serve Christ to live holy lives.  All Christians have God-given gifts talents and abilities that they are called to use to build up the body of Christ and we help them to put those gifts to work.Christians love to fellowship with other Christians and the best fellowship is that of the gospel and sharing the gospel with others. CCN is a place for college students to grow. When a college student graduates from college they have the skills to get a job. We would like them to have the skills to serve and be leaders in their church, be on fire Christians willing and able to witness to those around them.

Apologetics Defending our faith in Jesus Christ.

Bible Study – Studying the Bible and applying it to our lives.

Evangelism – Sharing our faith in Jesus Christ.

Fellowship – Enjoying time with other Christians.

Gifts Talents and Abilities – Given to Christians by God to glorify his name, and edify one another.

Ministry Training – Training Christians to be Biblical Leaders.

Alex a SRU Student sharing the gospel with a fellow student