1.Thank God: Start your prayer by thanking God for all that he has done for you. ThankGod for all the little things in your life(clothes, a place to stay, a job, your health).
2. Praise God: Praise God for who he is. Look up the attributes of God and Praise him for his goodness.
3.Confession : Confess your sins to God. Ask him to take away your desire for those wicked things. Think about the things that tempt you and ask God for the strength to turn away and stay away from temptations. Pray about a plan to help you to stay away from temptations. Without a plan for temptations you will not be able to stay away.
4. Read the word: Read the Psalms and the prophets and the prayers in the NewTestament. Pray these out loud.
5.Petition: Cry out to God for the things that you need.
6.Intercession: Pray for others’ needs. Pray for people’s salvation.
7.Wisdom: Ask for wisdom for everything in your life.
8. Write down plans and thoughts that have come to you during prayer.
9.End with Praising God