Stop Light Preaching
If you have only a little bit of time and tons of people stopped at a location this is a great way to get out the gospel. This is a quick gospel message. You can make this a little longer or a little shorter depending on the timing. Sometimes no one is taking tracts and this way they all hear the gospel.
Normally you will be standing at a stop light while people are waiting for the red light to turn green you stand up on a box and preach the gospel.
The million dollar question is if you died today would you go to heaven or hell. Here is a quick test. If you told 1 lie, stole 1 thing or hated 1 person then you are a liar a thief and a murder. If God judged you by the 10 commandments and you broke just 1 you would be guilty and go to hell. But, God is rich in mercy and sent his only son Jesus who lived a perfect life. Jesus never sinned. He healed people, fed the 5000 and rose people from the dead. He allowed himself to die on the cross. Not for anything that he did, but for our sins. Then 3 days later he rose from the grave, showing He is truly God and Truly man and can pay our fine. We need to repent of trusting in our good deeds and goodness and trust that Jesus paid the fine. Then we turn from breaking God’s laws out of gratitude for what he did on the cross. Not only did he pay the fine but he credits us with the perfect life that he lived. Repent and trust in Jesus today.