Andre and his wife went down to the Dominican Republic and participated in an outreach to local youth. The kids learned 1 Samuel 15:22. They were so grateful to be able to participate in the outreach.
Jen ran a kids club in a local neighborhood. She went over creation with the local kids. The kids did a craft where they made an imprint of their hand and they did an egg hunt and an egg race.
Cliff had a great night of ministry in the local town square. He said it is amazing how many people are confused about what the Christian faith is. The man pictured with Cliff said we are all spirit beings, connected to the Earth. He believed we are all gods. He said he believes we are in hell now, but when he dies he will go to heaven?
Tim walked the young lady through the IQ Test and then started taking her through the good person test but she had to go so she did not hear the gospel. Tim gave her a gospel tract so that she could hear the good news. Please continue to pray for everyone that heard the gospel in Virginia.
Here Tom is sharing the gospel with a gentleman at the state capital of Texas. They have been going there every weekend. They were there during protests. The protesters thought they were there because of them but they explained that they are there every week to share the gospel.