By Dennis Miranda
I have this 'Promise Box' sitting on my desk at work. Each day that I'm in the office I reach for one of God's promises and meditate on it for a bit before starting my day.
Lately, I've found myself relying more and more on these promises and today's verse truly hit at just the right time for me. Its from Galatians 6:9 which says:
"Let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not".
There are days, it seems, when the law of sin is warring heavily against the law of my mind (Rom 7:23), today being no exception, and I feel as though I might be fading fast.
On those days I cling to the assurances given us by the Word of God, such as today's inspired verse, that if we faint not in the way of our Christian duty we shall reap a reward; if not in this world, most certainly in the next.
This week with regards to the task of evangelism may we "hold on and hold out in well-doing", as Matthew Henry writes.
"…though our reward may be delayed, yet it will surely come, and will be so great as to make us an abundant recompense for all our pains and constancy". – Matthew Henry