Tom went to the capital this month and shared the gospel on Saturdays. Pray for everyone that stopped and talked to Tom and heard the gospel message.
Mary went to NC State this month and met a young man we will call Dee. Dee was pleasant and easy to talk to, he had a great smile and a wonderful personality. Mary shared the gospel with him but he was just not interested. He was thankful for whoever gave him life because he was blessed. However, Dee, felt that he didn’t owe whatever god created him anything but thankfulness. At this time on campus, he is getting quite a bit of notoriety from people who would never notice him because of a position that he has on campus. There have been many suicides this past year at NC State And Dee is in the mental health program. Frat boys who would never have anything to do with him now have his number and call and ask him for advice. Dee is impressed with himself. That is such a dangerous place to be in.
Pottstown was alive for the gospel this month. Andre has been taking people from his church out to share the gospel. We love when churches come together and go out and share the gospel. Para-Church ministries need to exist to build up the church and we at CCN love the Church. We want to partner with churches to help them reach their neighborhoods. We offer training to the local churches for free. We will come and train up your church and take you out into your neighborhoods to share the gospel message. Andre had his pastor and other members of his church out sharing the gospel.
Here Jen is pictured, sharing the gospel with a young man that believes that everyone gets to heaven. Pray he understands that God is just and must punish sin where ever it is found, just like the Bible says. She shared the gospel with him. SRU decided to create free speech zones which means there is no free speech there anymore. Pray for the gospel to be effective at SRU.