During the summer, I take the Gospel to the streets of my state capitol. Here are just a couple of conversations that I was blessed to have in May.
A young man claimed to be a Christian, but he also said he loves to sleep with prostitutes and do drugs. He is very wealthy and enjoys much this world has to offer. I told Chad about a man who had his pockets full of gold while on a cruise. The ship begins to sink, and he, unwilling to empty his pockets of the gold, plunges into the ocean’s depths because he loves his riches more than his life. I told Chad that he must be willing to forsake his lifestyle if he was who he claimed to be. Jesus told us in the Bible to deny ourselves. Chad was unwilling. Please pray for him.
A young Muslim spoke to me about his faith. He talked to me about Ramadan and fasting during that time. I asked if he had participated in Ramadan, and he said he had not. In Sura 1:7 of the Quran says, “The path of those whom you have favored, not of those who have earned your anger, or of those who have gone astray.“ Though this sura refers to Christians and Jews that do not please Allah, it must also apply to Muslims who fail to meet his demands. Can’t they earn Allah’s anger as well?
This young man had failed to observe Ramadan. He was out of Allah’s blessing. He said that he could make it up. I said it would be too late for him if he died today. I explained to him that we could not earn God’s favor. No one can. The Bible tells us in Psalm 14:3, Romans 3:23, and Ecclesiastes 7:2 that there is no one good, not one. We have all sinned and fallen short of God’s perfect standard. No one on earth does what is right and never sins. We all need an outside righteousness, the righteousness of Christ. Allah does not offer that; no one can achieve his demands.
Another young man, an artist, also claimed to be a Christian. When questioned about his faith, he seemed to believe in a mystical Jesus. He did not believe in what the Bible had to say about Jesus. We talked for a while. Please pray that he will read the Bible and know the TRUTH. Jesus is the way, the Truth, and the life.
This quote explains my heart’s desire to share the Gospel. There are so many who are on the wide road to hell.
“If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our dead bodies. And if they perish, let them perish with our arms wrapped about their knees, imploring them to stay. If Hell must be filled, let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go unwarned and unprayed for.” – Charles Spurgeon.
Don’t waste your dash!!
Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time because the days are evil.
Ephesians 5:15-16
Your financial support enables me to spend my time sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. I could not do that without you.
Thank you to those who have committed to praying for me as I enter this world that is growing evil by the hour with the Truth of God’s word. It is not something desired, but it is their only hope, not Obi Wan Kenobi.