Thomas and Tom did a great job sharing the gospel in Austin Texas. They went onto the college campus and to the state capital to share the gospel this month. Pray for all the people they shared the gospel with this month. We are so grateful to have them be a part of CCN.
It can be cold sharing the gospel in February. I am always amazed at the number of people who will stop and have a conversation about the gospel in the cold weather. Pray for Sierra who heard the gospel on this snowy evening pictured below.
Jen handed out Valentine Day tracts with candy at IUP and Pitt campuses. The students loved the outreach. After she said “Happy Valentine’s Day” and gave them a bag with candy and a custom gospel tract they almost all said awe. Everyone wants to be loved. She will be doing this kind of outreach next year without question.
The students at ECU continue to step up and lead Bible Study, while Mary continues to hare the gospel on the campus. The students were also continuing to confront the false religions on campus and give the gospel to those who have been duped by it. Please pray for ECU campus ministry and pray for those who heard the gospel.