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The gospel is going out on the college campuses. Students are hearing the message and coming to Bible Studies. CCN has become official at ECU. No matter what happens in the next few weeks we will continue to go and share the gospel.

Pray for this gentleman who has never told a lie that hurt anyone and never stolen anything he and be never hated. The intentions of his heart are always pure he told me. I told him the Bible says that all have sinned and no one seeks after God.
He told me that it was not a sin to have thoughts. It was just an issue to act on them. I explained that Jesus said if you hate someone you have murdered them and if you lust then you have committed adultery in your heart. I told him that is what the Bible says. He told me again that we would not be held accountable for a thoughts, and I told him that Jesus said if your eye causes you to sin, then tear out your eye. that’s how serious God is about sin. I explained that if you thought about a women as a whole person and not an object to satisfy your desires then you would not have lustful thoughts.
He told me that the Bible is all parables and you could interpret it any way you want. I asked him how to you interpret do not lie, do not steal or do not murder. He told me he did not have a degree until I wasn’t sure how to interpret the Bible. I explain to him the Bible is written in such a way that he could understand it and he didn’t need the degree.
I told him he should read it. He told me he had read it.
He asked about what happens to the people of all the other religions. I explained there are only 2 religions. 1.people try and earn their way to heaven 2. Jesus paid the fine in full on the cross and people are trusting in that.
He did not like what I believed. I told him that salvation was a free gift and it was being held out to him freely and he did not want the free gift.

Mary Hinnant
“You are the Jesus lady,” said a student I had witnessed earlier that week. We met up again at an ECU home game. I‘ve missed you,” he said. Those words were encouraging to me. I don’t always hear such kind words from people.
October has been a busy month on campus. We are now an official ministry, and we have two Bible studies a week, one for new believers and one geared to apologetics. At our first official event, we gave away 14 Bibles, 25 Books of John, and a New Testament, as well as thousands of tracts on campus and when we witnessed at-home games.
We have also been encouraged by other Christians who thank us for sharing the gospel, but we have also had attacks from our enemy in many forms. There have been times of discouragement and surprises from some who have been close to us. Yet, as the Bible tells us,” all things work for the good of those who love Jesus.” I am thankful for those words, as I have watched them play out this past month.
I am thankful for those who support me in ministry. I could not do this without your support. I am also grateful for those who pray. When I was discouraged this month, I reached out to a friend to ask for prayer. I knew that she would pray. I am so grateful to have a friend who will devote some of their time to pray for me and our ministry. I am thankful to those who financially support us. Without you, we could not give away Bibles, tracts, and other materials. Thank you so much.


We are continuing to conduct our online Bible studies. It has been so encouraging to watch Tracy, one of our Bible study students, learn and get excited about sharing the law and the gospel. As we go out into our community, she has been like a fireball sharing the gospel. Cliff continues to do an excellent job teaching as well!

Pray for James. I spotted him walking with a Bible in his hand. When I asked him about his Bible he said he was a new Christian who had many questions. Tracy talked to a man who said he’s always been a Christian, but he knows he needs to change. One couple said they were saved because they were basically good people.
I praise God for the opportunity to lift up the name of Jesus Christ. In the town center. To proclaim his glorious gospel. God is good!!!


Tim Jackson at Tidewater Community College the gospel is being proclaimed daily on campus mostly through Open Air preaching twice a week. I had a few students stop and listen to the gospel preaching. I can tell that they were really thinking seriously about their salvation. Some students received tracts after listening while others declined. I pray that God will continue to work on the hearts of students, faculty, staff and community that one day they might repent and believe the gospel!

Gene was able to share the gospel with many people at a booth in Mars Pa. Jenifer and Gene used the Optical Illusion tracts and the IQ Tests to start conversations with hundreds of people.

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