August started out with me running a 4 day mission trip in NYC. We had 20missionaries sharing the gospel. I had Andrew Rappaport teaching on what other religions believed. The teachings were very useful in witnessing in NYC. I had too many good conversations to mention. Here are the 20missionaries that went with us.

I walked Martin through the good person test and shared the good news of the gospel with him. He told me it was life changing. Martin said he would keep the million dollar bill forever so he could remember our conversation. He also took a Bible so that he could read the scriptures.

John had started going to a Mormon church about 6 weeks earlier. I shared the gospel with him and then explained what the Mormon Church believed. He was surprised at what I told him. I talked to him about what a good church would look like. We talked about an hour I pray that he found a good Christian Church and found truth.
Here I am witnessing to a Jewish man after open air preaching at night. He got to hear the gospel and he read Isaiah 53 out loud so he could see that his scriptures told of who the messiah is. He did not seem to receive the information but he heard it.

I had a great outreach booth at the Richland Community Days. We spoke to lots of new people as well as had conversations with many unbelievers that we talked to last year. I am very excited about the coming months and all the booths that we will be doing. Here is one of my CCN students sharing the gospel at the booth.

Things are going great on the campuses. I spent days inviting people to Bible Study and witnessing to students. Some students are really eager to hear the gospel. Some Christians have been encouraged by seeing me witnessing on the campus.

Please pray for many students to repent and put their faith in Jesus as well as pray for students to come to Bible Study. I want the students to be going out and sharing the gospel with others.