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Tracts and Candy

I love holidays. The ladies from church put tracts in little bags with candy, and I handed them out. A friend applied for a grant to get the money for the tracts. The students loved the tracts and candy. I did not get into any conversations because of the tracts and candy however; more people took the tracts with the candy in them. We will be doing this again in December.

The students at Slippery Rock University are great to talk to. I have gotten into so many conversations. I love using the IQ test when the winds are not too bad. As soon as the winds pick up, I will have no choice but to stop using the IQ Test board.

Pray for this gentleman who has never told a lie that hurt anyone never stolen anything and has never hated. The intentions of his heart are always pure he told me. I told him the Bible says that all have sinned and no one seeks after God.
He told me that it was not a sin to have thoughts. It was just an issue to act on them. I explained that Jesus said if you hate someone you have murdered them and if you lust then you have committed adultery in your heart. I told him that is what the Bible says. He told me again that we would not be held accountable for thoughts, and I told him that Jesus said if your eye causes you to sin, then tear out your eye. that’s how serious God is about sin.
I explained that if you thought about a woman as a whole person and not an object to satisfy your desires then you would not have lustful thoughts.
He told me that the Bible is all parables and can interpret it any way you want. I asked him how to interpret do not lie, do not steal or do not murder. He told me he did not have a degree until I wasn’t sure how to interpret the Bible. I explained to him the Bible is written in such a way that he could understand it and he didn’t need the degree.
I told him he should read it. He told me he had read it.
He asked about what happens to the people of all the other religions. I explained there are only 2 religions.
    1. People try and earn their way to heaven.
    2. Jesus paid the fine in full on the cross and people are trusting in that.
He did not like what I believed. I told him that salvation was a free gift and it was being given to him freely and he did not want the free gift.
I had two good conversations one day at Pitt. The one I had after I talked to this young man was interesting. He believes that morality comes from what benefits society. I asked if it benefits society to remove a group of troublesome people would that make it OK? He said no that was not OK. I told him his worldview declared that was ok since morality comes from what benefits society and not what is right or wrong to him. He could not come up with another way to come up with morality. I explained that everyone knows right and wrong because they have a God-given conscience. I told him he had value because he was made in the image of God.

He wanted to know what would happen to those in far-off countries that lived moral lives. I explained that people go to hell because they broke God’s law, not because they do not believe in God. I explained the gospel again and told him that is why missionaries go and share the gospel.

He told me he did not think he had to believe it in a megalomaniac. God just wanted to be worshiped to get to heaven. He did not think that was fair. I explained again that people go to hell because they broke God’s law and explained that he is being offered a way to heaven and it was a gift that he could accept. He did not want the gift.

He wanted to know why he should believe in the God that I believe in, and not some other God, and I explained to him that when someone does something evil, he will shake his fist and demand justice, and when he’s in trouble and standing before the judge guilty he will be trembling and beg for Mercy. He does that because he’s made in the image of God. God is a just judge, but he also made a way for there to be mercy when he’s done something wrong and he has heard that he can get that mercy.

Somehow, we ended up talking about a society of sociopaths.  he wanted to know how they could get saved, If they did not have a conscience I pointed him to David Wood’s testimony. Pray for the young man.


I talked to many IUP students. I mostly used the Optical Illusion tracts to get into conversations with students. I had a lovely conversation with the young lady in this picture. Please pray for her. I promised I would pray for her. She loved hearing the gospel. At the end of the month, I passed out tracts and candy at IUP.

The last booth of the year is the Mars Apple Feast. We always get to talk to many people. It was a beautiful day for an outreach. If you ever want to learn how to share the gospel these booth events are the best events to learn how to talk to people and share the gospel. We get into conversation after conversation.
Pray for Vanessa. I shared the gospel with her on Saturday at the Mars Apple Festival. She was practically in tears when she heard the gospel. She grew up hearing it but walked away. She told me she never heard it explained like that before.


We have hundreds of gospel conversations at these booths. It is such a privilege and a joy to share the gospel.

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