Gospel Friday in Pottstown. Andre, Tracy, Steve, and myself. Two young ladies were kind enough to listen to the gospel. Andre shared with a gentleman and Traci with another. These are just a few of the many conversations we had that we have photos. It’s amazing to see people’s reactions when you take them through God’s law. They realize they realize their ruin before dropping in the rescue. Also, we’ve been doing a pre-evangelist 1/2 evangelist bible study right before we go out.
But I want to say something about Traci. Andre and I have been disciplining her for over a year. Once she understood the purpose of the law, her willingness had direction. Her growth, and especially her boldness to approach people, is something to behold. We’re just so proud of her. But that’s part of what CCN does: patience in discipleship.
November has been an exciting time on campus. We set out signs with information to direct the students to our weekly Bible studies. We continue to have outreaches at the home games and witnessing on campus during the week.
One Thursday, while witnessing on campus, I stopped a young man walking by. He had a cross around his neck and was wearing a shirt with profanity on the front. I asked him what God thought of that. He said he knew it was wrong but liked the shirt. I met another student one night at our outreach before the game. Dressing in a shirt half buttoned up, a cowboy hat, carrying an almost empty bottle of wine. It seemed three young ladies were escorting him. He had a cross hanging around his neck. I gave him a tract, and he exclaimed, “Jesus is Lord.” Is he your Lord? “ I asked. After talking for a while, he asked me to pray for him. We prayed together, and he went on his way.
What message does that send to the world? Do we treat Jesus as an accessory? Sadly, it seems we do. During the home games, I have spoken with a young man who sells T-shirts with profanity. Many hurry down the sidewalk(wearing crosses around their necks) with $25.00 to purchase those shirts. Now, I know many wear crosses for other reasons, but many claim they are saying they love Jesus.
How does the world see your faith? Is Jesus just an accessory, or He your Lord? Are we pointing people to Jesus, the King of Kingsis , or to compromise?
Please pray for us as we reach out with the gospel on campus. Please pray that we will not compromise with the world but stand firm in the Lord so that Our witness of Him may glorify him. Please pray for the students who have heard the gospel.
Below you can see that Mary is able to put up signs on the campus about Bible Study because CCN is official on her campus.
Tim Open Air Preaching at Virginia Farmers Market, while his friends Phillip and Issac were handing out gospel tracts. Many people heard the gospel and received tracts.
Jen decided to just ask people how they were doing and then ask them if they would consider themselves a good person. She got into many conversations this month. Many people admitted that they had broken God’s law and received the gospel. Pray that many will truly repent and trust Jesus.