I was able to encourage many others to share their faith this month. Here is a picture of Alex at SRU handing out gospel tracts. He was telling people. “Hey checkout this pamphlet it is about Jesus.” I loved it. He did such a great job sharing the gospel.

Josh and Travis were trained up in doing ministry in front of the abortion clinic. They decided to join me in front of the clinic to share the gospel and tell women that they did not have to abort their child. It was a huge encouragement. They really stepped out of their comfort Zone!

I had many great conversations on the college campuses this month. I joined up with Matt and Zane 3 times and went up to IUP to witness as well. This young man I witnessed to two different tines. I was able to share the gospel with him both times. The second time I was able to go over different issues that he had. It was wonderful that I was able to clear up several issues and give him truth.

I went down to Columbus Ohio for a conference called Ohio Fire. I was able to have a table at the event to tell others about CCN. I also had a great time sharing my faith and seeing fruit from my ministry all these years. Here is a picture of one of my graduate’s Matt reading the Bible open air and sharing the gospel.

Below is me holding up Beth as she shares the gospel open air. She had what she was going to say all written out and placed in her Bible ahead of time. She did a really nice job.

When I share the gospel open air I like to engage people. I want to talk with them and ask people questions. I like to get people to share the reasons they do not believe so I can share truth with them.

I went to a conference in Cleveland as well to tell others about CCN and to share the gospel. I had a great conversation with a man that was raised Jewish. I was able to walk him through the Old Testament and show him Jesus. I asked him why the temple did not exist anymore and what he could do to cover his sins. He said he would have to carry a perfect lamb around with him. I told him; let me introduce you to the eternal sinless, perfect lamb, Jesus. It was an amazing conversation. Pray for Tom.
I got to talk to many people during this outreach.

It was a difficult month for me. I felt like I was under attack all month, but as I look back on the month it is no wonder I was under attack. I was out witnessing so much this month. I had to pick the best of the best to show you. Please keep me in your prays that I would stay strong. I am so grateful to God for all the times I got to share the gospel.
I will leave you with this picture of a seminary student that contacted me about doing open air ministry. I shared all that I knew and could think of on doing open air. He told me that he had a persuasive sermon all ready. So I gave him a little push and here is a picture of a student that is probably already graduated doing his first open air.