I spent a wonderful week in OC Maryland witnessing on the Boardwalk. I love sharing the gospel in that environment, so I added a week to my schedule. I was able to talk to so many young people during the week. OC is a family-friendly environment and people are interested in having fun and talking. The IQ tests are fun and make for a great conversation starter.

Pray for Smiley. He works at a restaurant across from where I witnessed all week. He watched people interact with me and so he decided he had to come and see what was going on. I shared the gospel with him; he loved the IQ tests and optical illusion tract. He loved it so much that he told his co-workers and by the end of the night, I had talked to all the workers at the restaurant.

I was able to minister to these young ladies on the boardwalk. They knew the gospel. I was able to encourage them that they needed to trust in Jesus and Jesus alone to pay the fine. They were trusting in their relationship and were worried they did not have a good enough relationship with Jesus. I explained how the relationship works. Jesus paid the fine and he did it all. I reminded them that they need to be sanctified and trust in what Jesus already did. No one can take them out of His hands, not even themselves. It was a joy to talk to these young ladies.

Pray for Anthony and Balve. I shared the good news with them. I asked them what was keeping them from repenting and trusting Jesus. They told me to be cool. I explained that God is not a killjoy. Keeping the law helps your relationships with other people and your relationship with God. I told them that repenting and putting their faith in Christ would reduce anxiety due to breaking the law, getting caught, and having issues with others. They thanked me and said they would repent.

Pray for all the kids that heard the gospel and enjoyed the bubbles.

Two babies got saved this month when I went down to the clinic. People think it is not worth going down there but God cannot use you if you are not there.