I went down to Washington DC for the Reason Rally. Saturday we were at the Washington Monument. The Reason Rally is a bunch of Atheist going to DC to talk about why they hate Christianity and say that they do not believe in God because they have reason on their side. It turns out that without the Christian World view they cannot justify the fact that reason exists. I walked this young man through the good person test and then moved to prepositional apologetics. I cannot argue a person into heaven and he was not persuaded. We had a very long conversation and we left the conversation peaceably.

I took 6 other people with me to DC and we had a wonderful time witnessing in DC. Here is Beth handing out tracts. Beth has MS and she is still out handing out tracts because she wants to serve her King. Beth has the joy of the Lord and she is a wonderful Christian to go out witnessing with.

Many of the Campus Leaders were with us as well. Here is Cliff discussing the gospel with a women.

Friday in DC we were in Chinatown. Here is my son and a CCN student witnessing in Chinatown in DC. My son John enjoyed the trip so much that he wants to go to JerseyFire and Repent and Witness this summer. I am going to let him go to JerseyFire this year but I will give him another year before he goes to Repent and Witness with us.

Todd and I went witnessing together in Market Square this month as well. We really enjoyed the experience of witnessing together. Todd was able to talk to several people. We handed out tons of tracts and were able to encourage other Christians to go out and share their faith.