Why do I choose to believe the Bible?

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Without first being converted, all “belief” in the Bible will inevitably turn out to be superficial when tested. However, once I was born again, as I studied the Bible more, I saw and discovered the numerous amounts of proof that made this collection of books truly axiomatic. I discovered that the Bible is not a book of fairy tales.

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Spiritual Warfare

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"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” - Ephesians 6:12 (NKJV)  When witnessing to the lost and preaching on our campuses, it is very important to remember who and what we are dealing with. Oftentimes, with our own eyes, we see human beings as the objectors against the gospel, and this is true. However, there is overarching power...

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Human Language Impossible if Darwinian-Evolution is True

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Imagine a room that holds a giant brute force computer that does not know a lick of the world’s languages. On one side of the computer, there is slot labeled, “Input.” On the other side, there is a slot labeled “output.” Now suppose you fed a string of symbols in the input side and out comes “Language X” from the output side. What do you think it would take for the computer to accomplish an extraordinary feet as that?

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Please watch the video below of a courageous young person who was hit by a car back in November: http://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2014/03/14/college-student-making-strides-after-being-hit-by-car/ If you are like me, you are screaming for justice. You are outraged that the cowardly driver and the two passengers refuse to own up to the accident, and the incompetent police and the rest of the justice system has failed to find a way to charge the woman who hit them. One of the things that God goes us i...

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