Eric Williams

I was born and raised in Cincinnati, and until I was twelve years old, I had never heard the gospel. All that I knew about Christ was that he was born on Christmas, and he was raised from the dead on Easter. My theology was that when you died, God weighed your good deeds against the bad ones, thereby determining your fate. Since I knew that I wasn’t a real bad person, I believed that I would go to heaven when I died.
My family moved to Michigan and a dear saint was going door to door in our neighborhood presenting the gospel. She convinced my mom that it would be a good idea that us kids should study the book of John every Thursday night; worse yet, we had to start going to church on Sundays. I heard the gospel for the first time and realized that I was a lost hopeless sinner. God used that lady to bring me to Christ as my Savior.
Why CCN?
When I attended the University of Cincinnati, while there were christian organizations on campus, I don’t believe that they made a really hard effort to connect with believers, much less the unsaved. I am not doubting their efforts, our college campuses are a great mission field. The main things that attracted me to CCN, was that their goal was to strengthen and disciple the christian who was on the campus, and preach the good news to the lost. I have a special love in my heart for the students at UC. I was on board from day one!
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Christian Collegian Network (CCN) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
All donations are tax-deductible.
To mail in support:
Make checks payable to Christian Collegian Network.
Do not put Eric’s name on the check. Mail to below address.
Attn: Support Eric Williams
Christian Collegian Network
PO Box 11
Gibsonia, Pa 15044