Resources to Help You Grow in Evangelism and Apologetics
Obtain easy-to-print resources from CCN. Get audio/visual tools to help you grow in sharing your faith with others. Learn about other helpful biblical evangelism websites providing training in soul winning, apologetics, and Bible study.
Getting Started
Want to know more about Jesus Christ or are you a new believer? Learn more >>>
Have you heard “The Most Important Message in Evangelism”? Start learning Evangelism 101>>>
Want to receive free materials regarding your individual legal rights on campus? Receive free books.
If you want Legal help I would call First Liberty. They have helped out CCN several times.
Free Bibles but you have to pay the price of ShippingFree Tracts – WWW.FELLOWSHIPTRACTLEAGUE.ORGFree Tracts – Chapel LibraryFree Devotionals – Daily Bread and suchFree Tracts –
Printable Tools
Simply click and print!
NewConvertsChurchBrochure.docxPrint a bunch of these informative and biblical pamphlets and have one ready for when someone gets born-again! It’s a helpful, easy-to-read pamphlet encouraging them in their new walk with Christ. You can also write in or stamp it with your church address info.
SeekerStudy.docx – Easy-to-use/ verse-by-verse, use this study to help teach seekers and/or new converts. This study will help you grow in your love for the scripture.
Isaiah 53 Gospel Tract (PDF) – Prophecy Tract. Prove that the Bible is true through prophecy. This is a printable tract. Simply print one page, flip it over and print the second page on the other side. Each page contains two tracts. Cut down the middle.
Einstein IQ Test Poster (Download) – Provided by Living Waters, this printable poster is used to draw a crowd for open air preaching. The large face of Einstein gets the attention of those that pass by and the I.Q. test at the top is something you can use to start an interaction.
International Tracts (Download) – Provided for free and you can send these to or and they will print these out for you at a cost. They are the million dollar question tracts in different languages.
Apologetics Websites
Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry (CARM) – In-depth analyses on multiple topics, religions, cults, worldviews, etc. Streaming audio available. Plus much more!
The Evidence Bible – Learn how to witness to specific groups of people and religions. Read about how to address sensitive topics such as abortion and homosexuality. Learn spiritual springboards to start conversations and open air preaching. Easy to read and search for both quick answers and in-depth answers.