This month students went out and shared the Gospel. Generally we go and share the gospel before Bible Study. This past week B’jorn handed out tracts with me. He was very spirited in handing out tracts. It is always so exciting to see students handing out tracts and being bold for the gospel.

We handed out tracts and witnessed 1-2-1 at Pitt and Slippery Rock this month. Many people heard the gospel this month. The goal is not just to hand out tracts but to get into gospel conversations with people. I have been interviewing people for witness radio and this helps to get into conversations.
At the Super Bowl Outreach that I attended this month I was able to get lots of conversations by asking people to be on Witness Radio. Here is a picture of me witnessing to one group of people at the Super Bowl.

I was also able to have many good conversations about the gospel with people open air. I love to do the good person test open air so that many people can hear the gospel. I used pictures of famous people to draw a crowd and then take people through the good person test. Here is me sharing the gospel with a group of people at the Super Bowl Outreach.
If you do not know what the good person test is then here is a general outline.
If you died today would you go to heaven or hell? Here is a quick test. Have you ever lied, stolen, lusted, hated or used God’s name in vain? Jesus said, “Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” If you hate someone you have murdered them in your heart. If you have done even one of these things, God sees you as a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterer and murder at heart, and the Bible warns that one day God will punish you in Hell. Imagine if you were guilty and standing before a judge. He said you either have to pay a million dollar fine or go to prison. Someone that loves you runs into the courtroom and pays your fine. You would be able to go free. This is what Jesus did for you 2000 years ago. You broke God’s Law and Jesus paid your fine. When Jesus died on the cross that was him taking the wrath of God in your place. Imagine if your parent paid your fine in court. They would tell you to never do that again. That would be reasonable. That is what Jesus tells us. Repent, turn away from your sins. Three days after Jesus died on the cross Jesus rose from the dead, defeating death. Repent and trust Jesus, and God will remit your sins. Then read the Bible daily and obey it. The only way to heaven is to repent and trust Jesus.

I was asked to speak at a breakfast this past month. The topic I discussed was evolution. I showed that evolution is not logical. We looked at how to show others that evolution is not logical.