By Dennis Miranda
This is the final part of my series, An Audit of Witnessing Encounters. Make sure to read about my interactions with Dave, Karen, and Herschel before reading this post.
In all three witnessing encounters, I noticed a trend among each of these students in their view of God. Being an auditor by trade I am paid to pick up on certain things that might adversely affect a process, a program, and even a people group in the business world.
What I discovered during this “audit” of the spiritual lives of each of these bright and intelligent creatures who have been made in the image of their Creator was that they simply lacked the fear of the LORD.
Sadly, they are not alone. Vast multitudes of professing Christians call Jesus “Lord,” but they practice lawlessness. They profess “faith in Jesus” but have no regard for His divine law and unfortunately will be cast from the gates of Heaven and into the fire of Hell on Judgment Day.
May the words of Jesus’ warning from Matthew 7:21 be a frightening reminder to us all that “Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father in heaven.”