Thank You For Another Wonderful Year!

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With the Christmas holiday this past month, December was a time for rest, visiting with family, and making preparations for the next semester.

Nevertheless, prior to the year-end semester, CCN Campus Missionaries took to their local campuses and communities once more to share the most important message people will hear this season.

Aboard East Carolina University  NC Campus Missionary Mary stands by ready to greet students as they head to class with the gospel and a wonderful pro-life display. Pray for those students whom Mary was able to share with the beautiful news that each of us has been wonderfully and fearfully made by a loving Creator.

In Reading, PA Campus Missionary Andre (right) had the wonderful opportunity of ministering to the poor alongside a local Pastor in the area. Assisted by CCN Campus Missionaries Cliff and Garrett, a CCN graduate, they provided meals to several of those in need, followed by a presentation of the Good News of Jesus Christ. Please pray for those whom God has provided for not only their physical needs but also their spiritual as well.

Aboard the University of Pittsburgh Campus Missionary Gene (left) handed out more of the “What Time is Purple?” books while sharing the law and the Gospel with several students along the way. Those pictured here with Gene understood their need to repent and trust Jesus upon hearing the message of salvation. Please pray God, by His spirit, makes it happen! 

A CCN volunteer Laura (left) assists CCN President Jenifer in passing out gospel tracts and witnessing to Pittsburghers at the First Night outreach in Pittsburgh, PA. Pray that those entering into the New Year will become new creatures in Christ after having heard the life-changing message of the gospel!

To all of our supporters and financial partners thank you for another wonderful year! We look forward to your continued support in the coming New Year.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you and your families in 2020!


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