Repent & Witness Summer Evangelism Camp
Can you spot the missionaries?
Thanks to donors like you, they’re able to travel to NYC.
In the summer, thousands of people from all over the world travel to
NYC, & during CCN’s annual missions trip, many will hear the gospel.
During the summer, New York City hosts thousands of tourists.
Many are from countries where Christianity is not a religion that can be
practiced in public. CCN missionaries are able to share the gospel
with many who many never hear it in their own country.
As tourists waited for the ferry to take them to the Statue of Liberty,
CCN Missionary Tim, boldly shares the gospel in the Open Air.
Because of our faithful monthly supporters, many others are being
trained up to do the same.
The New York City Subway is a prime fishing spot for missionaries.
Tourists, commuters, and locals were able to hear the gospel as CCN
missionary Frank, captured their attention with interactive gospel skits.
At the end of his skits, he offered bibles, and many raised their hand
to receive one. Thanks to monthly support we can purchase bibles!
Visual boards are great ways to attract the attention of passersby, and
CCN missionaries use them all the time. These boards allows
missionaries to engage curious observers with a fun ice-breaker that
opens the door to spiritual conversations. Monthly support allows
missionaries to purchase boards like these. Thank you!
We, at CCN, want to thank you for your continued support.
We truly value your generous contributions, and the way you take
part in fulfilling the great commission, through supporting us!
May we continue to work together until all the nets are full!