The Bible says, “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1). As the leaves begin to fall and the seasons change the purpose for this ministry remains – to preach the gospel to every creature!
CCN’s outreach booth in Slippery Rock, PA was a success! We were able to share the gospel with so many people. One gentleman whom we had talked with last semester stopped by the booth and thanked us for being on the college campus. Each week he would trek across campus to read at the library. Turns out we were the only group in an entire year to talk with this student about the gospel. Just as surprised by this as we were he asked if there were any other christian ministries on campus because of their lack of representation.
The University of Pittsburgh is as always a great place to witness due to its diversity. Many international students attend Pitt some as far as India and China. The conversations we have with students from abroad is truly exciting because we are bringing Christ and His message of salvation to the world!
The students at Indiana University of Pennsylvania in Indiana, PA are so very kind to us and more than eager to talk. We love witnessing aboard this campus, engaging with students, and have been doing so for a couple of years now. Lord willing, we will continue for many years to come!
Jenifer had several wonderful conversations with people that started with them asking what CCN was all about. One young lady had watched her witnessing to others earlier in the month in Wilkinsburg then every week at Pitt. Jen asked that if she died today would she go to heaven or hell? The young lady replied by saying she was a child of God and was certain she would go to heaven. Rather than spending time arguing over what makes someone a child of God, Jen took a more direct approach and asked if she considered herself to be a good person, a tactic she’s learned through years of witnessing experience. Seeing that the reality of God’s Law and the punishment of hell for transgressing His Ten Commandments weighing heavily upon her heart, Jen explained the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ and called for her to repent and put her trust in Him.
During another encounter Jen had the pleasure of speaking with an atheist. She quickly took him through the good person test and later pointed out to him that while other religions believe a person can earn their way to heaven, Christianity affirms that God paid it all! Needless to say, the professing atheist walked away with much to think about after their conversation.
It’s been said that there are two times a year in which Christians should preach the Word of God – in season and out of season! (2 Tim. 4:2)
Your financial and prayerful support makes the preaching of the gospel all year ’round possible. Because of this we are able to reach this next generation for our Lord Jesus Christ. From those of us at CCN Thank You! for another spirit filled month in partnering with us!
Soli Deo Gloria!