Open Air Evangelism is a wonderful way to share the gospel. Many times we are able to get into conversations with people when doing open air. Then many who would not normally talk to us can hear the gospel conversation. People who are shy can enjoy listening to others. We start with sharing the gospel open air. When people stop and ask questions then a larger crowd is drawn. We normally take people through the good person test and then ask them “What is stopping you from repenting and putting your faith in Jesus?” Then we go through apologetics which draws a larger crowd. Then we go through the gospel again.

Sometimes we use open air evangelism because we cannot get close enough to interact with people. Mary uses Open Air Evangelism to call women to love their children. Many children have been saved with this method.

Many ask if Open Air Evangelism is effective? While we have seen many repent and trust Jesus from this method it is not the correct question to ask. The real question is this method Biblical? If you look at the Bible you will see that the prophets shared God’s truth at the city gate. You will also notice that Jesus shared truth in the open air. Peter shared the gospel in the open air on Pentecost.