Please watch the video below of a courageous young person who was hit by a car back in November:
If you are like me, you are screaming for justice. You are outraged that the cowardly driver and the two passengers refuse to own up to the accident, and the incompetent police and the rest of the justice system has failed to find a way to charge the woman who hit them. One of the things that God goes us is a sense of justice; we always want to see justice done. Bekka was hit by a car- she and her other friend who were hit have to face multiple surgeries and therapy to get back to where they were before- and the driver was never charged. We would all like to see justice done – even from the human side many times we would like to go beyond justice into revenge.
These stories happen thousands of times a day- people get away with murder, people con others out of millions of dollars – people lie, cheat, steal, cheat on their spouses – and seem to get away with it. Where is the justice? When will justice be done?
I see tattoos that say ‘only God can judge me” – and though most have no concept of the holy, holy, holy God who will judge them, they are right. You see, though human justice is imperfect, often tainted with thoughts of revenge and biased against the poor and downtrodden, God’s Justice is perfect. This gives Christians a great deal of peace when they see injustice. It should also cast fear in the heart of everyone who has broken even one of God’s commands- because God knows every thought and intent of the heart, and will judge every action, motive, and even every word that passes over your lips.
You see, God is holy, holy, holy, and He will judge each person on the standard of good- that is- moral perfection. This means simply God will judge you based upon his standard for righteousness- His moral law. The ultimate moral law is written on each persons’ hearts; the Ten Commandments. The ninth commandment is “thou shalt not bear false witness”. That means that you should not tell lies. How many lies have you spoken in your life? I do not know, neither do you, but God does. Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord (Proverbs 12:2) and each liar will be cast in the lake of fire (Revelation 21:8). Every time that you lie, you are storing up wrath (Romans 2:5) against the day of judgment. So to a holy, holy, holy and just God, your one lie is enough of an offense to cast you into Hell for all eternity. Justice would be done.
You may say that is unjust, and that is simply because you do not understand God’s holiness. God is pure and perfect, and He cannot abide even one sin in His presence. You may say God is forgiving- but many people do not know what that means. They assume it means that God can wink an eye at sin- at their sin that they love. Yes, God forgives, but there must be a payment in place for the sin so that He can remain Holy and Just. If you were the driver in the car that hit Bekka standing before the judge, and you begged for forgiveness based on all the other good things you had done since the accident, and the judge would let you go, we would say that the judge was corrupt rather than just. Instead, if the judge said that the fine for drunk driving is thus and so, and in this case, you must pay for 100% of Bekka’s care until she is back to where she was, as well as damages for pain and suffering, you would likely be satisfied with the verdict. Yet- Justice would still be done if someone else not related to the driver walked into the courtroom and paid the fine in full, and promised to pay more should the need arise. Justice would be done.
2000 years ago, Jesus Christ was born. It is called the incarnation, because He was born of a virgin, and, having been God already for eternity, He was simply taking on flesh. He was sent on a rescue mission, to seek and to save the lost. All humans have sinned against God in thought, word, and deed. Every lie that you have told is an eternal offense against God, and you deserve the death penalty (Romans 6:23). This is true of every sin- every sin deserves the death penalty. Jesus Christ paid that penalty on the cross, and He rose from the dead three days later demonstrating that God accepted the perfect sacrifice. You owed a debt for your sin that you could not possibly pay- and Jesus Christ paid it in full. All you must do is repent- turn from your sin, even from your self righteousness, and turn to Christ, believing on Him for the full payment for your sins. Justice and mercy met at the cross- and upon repentance Justice will be done.
We hope and pray that Bekka will come full circle and be that bright and bubbly girl she was before the accident. We pray the scars will all go away, that her memory and speech will come back fully. The good news of the Gospel is that people broken by sin can be fully restored if they will humbly bow the knee to Jesus in repentance and faith.
Friends, Justice will be done.
Justice will be done when those who refuse to repent and believe the Gospel are cast into hell for all eternity to bear the full and just wrath of God for their sin.
Justice will be done when forgiven sinners are welcomed into heaven on the merit of the finished work of Christ at the cross.
Which camp will you be in? Will you bear the full weight of God’s just judgment of you? Or will you allow Jesus to be your sin-bearer? Either way, Justice will be done.