Hundreds of people hear the gospel in a 1-2-1 fashion each month through my ministry with CCN.

In August we had a booth at the Richland Community Days. In the picture above, Matt a Slippery Rock Student is witnessing at the booth. He did a great job sharing his faith.

We were able to share the gospel to so many people at the booth. We had many groups of young ladies that we were able to share the gospel with.
Within one of the groups that I shared the gospel with I gave the young ladies the Good Person Test. I asked them if they had Lied, Stolen, and they said yes to both. Then I told them that if they hate a person they have murdered them in your heart. I asked them if God judged them by the 10 commandments would they be innocent or guilty. The young ladies said they would be guilty. I asked them if they would go to hell and they said they would go to Hell and that it concerned them. I gave them the following scenario. If you stood before a judge and you were guilty. The judge tells you that you have to either pay a million dollar fine or go to prison. You are unable to pay the fine. Someone you do not even know runs into the courtroom. They pay the fine for you. The judge would be a just judge and the one that paid the fine would be merciful. If your Dad paid your fine then he would tell you not to do that again and you would think that was reasonable since he paid your fine. That is what Jesus did for you. At this point one of the young ladies started to cry. I explained that Jesus lived a perfect life. Jesus never stole, lied, hated, lusted. Jesus never broke any of God’s laws. Jesus healed people and raised people from the dead and he allowed himself to die on the cross. He died for the laws you broke. You have to repent and put your faith in Jesus. Jesus rose from the grave 3 days later showing that he was God and able to forgive sins. 500 people saw him after he rose from the grave. They young lady cried as she heard this good news. I told her that salvation is a free gift you can’t earn it and you do not deserve it but it is a free gift and she was given a stuffed animal of her choice, a Bible and some tracts.
About 10 minutes later I had another young lady crying after she heard the gospel and she ran away in tears. I had to chase her down to give her a stuffed animal and a Bible. There was a older Christian couple standing behind her and they teared up and almost cried seeing her hear the gospel.
I was able to serve at “Jesus Loves Chinatown” in New York City. I was a team leader for one group of attendees. I was given the opportunity to teach open-air evangelism. The students loved all the new things that they learned. They used the boards that I taught them to use during the outreaches to share the gospel so many people. It was hard to decide which pictures to show you. Here is me teaching

The boards really help start great conversations. It does not matter if you are doing open air or you are just hanging out by the boards and waiting for people to stop by and talk about the IQ tests.

These students in the picture above are from China and only speak Mandrin. Peter was able to take them through the good person test in their own language. They were drawn to talk to us by the IQ test boards. Their handler came by and dragged several away while Peter gave the gospel but 2 of them stayed to hear the entire message. Pray that the 2 tell the others the good news of Jesus.

Above you can see some young people hearing the gospel after they had taken the IQ tests.
One of the women Diane sent me in an email after the training: “in these past days I shared the gospel to a Polish woman who laid in a towel near my sister and I at the beach. I would not have found the courage to do this before the trainning! I went up to her, while my sister half-jokingly told me (in one of the languages we both speak):” hey, crazy woman…what are you doing?” I went up there…a chat was started…before I knew, she was in tears, asking me to pray for her!!”
People are changed by going to a several day training. Please consider signing up for Repent and Witness. At Repent and Witness you get training to share your faith and then plenty of time out on the streets spending time sharing your faith.

School started at Pitt and at Slippery Rock. I have been using the boards on the campuses. I have had so many amazing conversations on the campuses about the gospel. The first day at PITT I was able to share the gospel with 2 young ladies from mainland China, a Muslim young lady, 1 Buddhist young man, I spent 45 minutes talking to a homosexual Jewish man in a blue dress. The Jewish man did go from not believing in absolute truth to seeing absolute truth and a just God was a reasonable thing. He did see how Jesus could be in Isaiah 53. The conversation with the man in the Jewish man in the blue dress ended with him not wanting to be a Christian because he did not want to live forever. I tried to explain that he was either going to live forever in hell or in heaven. He did not understand that was not an option and walked away. I have just been so blessed by all the 1 -2 – 1 conversations that I had this year.
I am teaching though the book “Apologetics to the Glory of God” by John Frame. The students just love the topics we have been going over.
Thank You for your support. I could not do all of these things without you.