On the college campuses, evolution is taught as a fact. We know that evolution is merely man’s way of trying to rationalize away God. They want to explain how everything came into existence without God. They do not want be accountable to Him for every thought, word, and deed. Therefore, they came up with random chance processes over prolonged periods of time. We know that evolution is impossible. To help show others how impossible it is, you can bring speakers onto your campus or get creation science materials into your campus library.
To have a creation science professional speak at your campus you will want to pray that God would grant you open doors with community members and campus administrators. That He would receive glory. You will need to contact your local museum or ministry to inquire of their availability. You can see a list of museums at www.creationsciencedirectory.com. Look at your calendar and find a few possible dates for the speaking engagement. Pray that God would grant you open doors with community members and campus administrators. That He would receive glory.
1) Schedule a room for your event via student activities
2) Call the creation science professional to give them a solid date.
3) Create fliers for your event and distribute them around campus
4) Call the student newspaper to get an article written about your event.
5) Email the Christian clubs on campus to invite their students.
6) Email atheist clubs on campus to invite them.
If you have any questions please contact your Christian Collegian Network campus staff member.
Journals & Magazines
To get creation science journals and magazines into your campus library, take the following steps:
1) Pray for God to grant you open doors with library staff.
2) Talk with a staff member who handles acquisitions at your library.
3) Some resources that are available:
A) Creation Science Journals to be added to your library’s research database:
1. Answers In Genesis Research Journal:http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/arj/current
2. Institute for Creation Research Technical Papers: http://www.icr.org/index.php?module=articles&action=search&f_typeID=12
B) Creation Science Magazines to be added to your library’s subscription services:
1. ICR’s Acts & Facts Info:http://www.icr.org/aaf/
2. ICR’s Acts & Facts Sign-Up: http://www.icr.org/subscriptions/index/?option_old=signup&f_country=US
C) Creation Science Search Engine to be added to your library’s resources page:
Search Creation: www.searchcreation.org
D) Creation Science Library to be added to your library’s inter-library loan program:
The Family Vision Library: http://www.thefamilyvision.org
Remember that all of the resources are free to your school, and that The Family Vision would be happy to discuss the possibility of being part of your campus library’s inter-library loan network. Once you have familiarized yourself with the resources above, you will need to schedule a meeting with your acquisition librarian.
Make sure to bring a hard copy of the Acts & Facts Magazine for them to look over during the review process. You can also e-mail the librarian the links above along with an explanation of why such resources are important to furthering education at the institution and how this would enable the library to expand its offerings.
If you need any assistance, please contact the team at Get Creation in College by e-mailing contact@letcreationsing.com or calling 407-512-0638.