CCN University of Texas August Newsletter

Two are Better Than One

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. 10 For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! 11 Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? 12 And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken. –Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

One of the most beautiful features of the Christian life is its communal aspect. The redeemed people of God are not meant to live and minister on their own, they are meant to do it in community. King Solomon reminds us in the book of Ecclesiastes that “two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil” (4:9). This is contrasted over and against a man who is “all alone” and has “no end to his toil” (4:8). Solomon seems to suggest that life (and our labors) are better and more fruitful when shared with others. Our brother and sisters in Christ help us to overcome the many challenges of life and ministry. As Christians, we are to live in a way that would allow us to fulfill all the New Testament “one another” passages. We are to love one another, care for one another, serve one another, build up one another, and so on.

After choosing His disciples, Jesus “began to send them out two by two”. He knew that to engage in the public proclamation of the Kingdom of God was to engage in spiritual warfare and for this reason he send them out in pairs. Likewise, when we go out and proclaim the gospel of Christ in the public square we too are engaging in spiritual warfare and we are thankful for the many faithful brothers and sister who labor alongside of us. Ecclesiastes also teaches that if two are better than one, than three are better than two since “a threefold cord is not quickly broken” (4:12). When we labor for the Kingdom of God it is always prudent to do so in community. There is strength in numbers.

At Christian Collegian Network University of Texas, we are thankful for the many brother and sisters who labored alongside of us during the month of August for the spread of the gospel. We are thankful for brothers like Ryan Denton of Christ in the Wild ministries and John Hedberg who preached the gospel with us during our return to campus at the University of Texas. We were so encouraged by these brothers presence on campus since we did not have anyone else to labor with us during the last school year. We praised God for allowing us to witness alongside such an experienced evangelists.

We are also thankful for brother Jacob Miller and his group from Killeen Bible Church in Killeen, Texas. These brothers and sisters live about 65 miles north of Austin and they faithfully travel down every month to protest the evils of abortion and to proclaim the good news of the gospel. This month we teamed up with them to minister at Whole Woman’s Health in Austin, Texas. We feel extremely privileged to join this cause and speak out for the unborn. We also partnered up with, a ministry of Apologia Church in Mesa, AZ, who will be providing us with training and materials to helps us get more involved in the pro-life movement.

We are also thankful for our brother Cory Holt of West Valley Bible Church in Hemet, California, who brought us a message about the gospel at one of our Thursday night Bible Study. This message stirred up our souls and edified us tremendously.  

We also want to give thanks for our faithful brothers and sisters who minister alongside us week-in and week-out and who are not officially part of the CCN UT ministry team, but who are nevertheless just as devoted to our mission of reaching the lost and evangelizing the found as we are.

We give thanks for David Santisteban of Cap City Gospel and Ana Maria Imbacuan. We want to congratulate them on their recent engagement (see the pictures below) and remind them that the purpose of marriage is to be a visual representation of Jesus and the Church.

We also give thanks for Sandra Garcia and her daughter Alina and for Carlos Sanchez and his wife Michelle and the rest of their family. We thank God for their faithfulness and devotion to reaching the lost. Last of all, we want to give thanks for our wonderful wives, Tammi, Barbara, and Viridiana. We would not be able to engage in this ministry without their support. We love you!

Ministry Update

  • We are back on Campus!!!! Classes at the University of Texas have started back up (albeit at a limited capacity) and although the amount of students strolling by on campus is a fraction of what it once was, we are grateful to be able to engage students once again with the hope of the gospel.
  • We have partnered with, who will provide us with training and resources to begin ministering at the local abortion clinics. We have also teamed up with a group from Killeen, Texas to labor alongside them in defending the unborn.
  • We continue to engage in street evangelism and open-air preaching at Republic Square Park in downtown Austin on Saturday mornings.
  • We continued with our study of “Foundations: An Overview of Systematic Theology” by R.C. Sproul, on our Thursday night online fellowships. We have completed lesson on theology, and general and special revelation. Additionally, we had our friend Cory Holt from California as a guest speaker to teach about the gospel.
  • On August 29th, we gathered together to enjoy an online conference put on by living waters entitled “Why the Bible” It was a great time of fellowship and learning.
  • Our good friend David Santisteban proposed to his now fiancée Ana Maria Imbacuan during one of our outings at Republic Square Park. Praise God for Christian couples who are a visual representation of the gospel.

Praise Reports

  • We praise God that we are back on Campus witnessing to students.
  • We praise God for new partnerships and co-laborers.
  • We praise God for a developing anti-abortion ministry.
  • We praise God for the family, the foundational unit of society.
  • We praise God for faithful men and women who have a heart for the lost.

Prayer Request

  • Pray that God would bring us students to disciple and so that we can become an official ministry on campus.
  • Pray that we can continue to minister faithfully on campus, at the park and at the abortion clinic.
  • Pray that we can continue to develop relationship with other campus ministries and individual to help further the spread of the gospel.
  • Pray that God will work in the hearts of all those who hear the message of the gospel through our preaching.

Ministering on Campus

Ministering at the Abortion Clinic

Ministering at the City Park

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