By Dennis Miranda
Over the past few weeks, I’ve shared my conversations with Dave and Karen, just some of the many students of which I have the pleasure of meeting while on the college campus. Last, but not least there was my conversation with Herschel.
Herschel and I instantly connected because he and I were both sporting a ball cap supporting our favorite team – the United States Marines! OOH-RAH!
Side note: When trying to start up a witnessing conversation you should try and make the most of logos, clothing items, or other things of interest to draw a connection with people. I can’t tell you how many times this has come in handy in helping me transition from the natural to the spiritual and with greater ease.

Herschel was a Catholic who believed in purgatory. I asked him if he knew what Jesus said on the cross right before He gave up His spirit. After a few guesses I cited John 19:30 where Jesus declared, “It is finished!” and explained to Herschel that Christ’s finished work on the cross is sufficient. There is nothing we can do to earn salvation or atone for our sins. Jesus paid it all!
After some further discussion I was pleased to hear Herschel admit with a smile that he’s never thought about spiritual things like this before in such depth. He was being challenged, it seemed, but in a good way. Our conversation had caused him to think deeply about eternity.
Before we parted ways I reminded Herschel to read the “Will you make the grade?” tract I had handed him earlier which, by the way, is excellent for students and was designed by our very own CCN President!
Herschel’s response to my questioning him on when he was going to get right with God was typical of students this time of year facing the end of the semester before heading for summer break.
“Probably after finals” he said sheepishly.
To which I reminded him as I pointed to the tract in his hand that this was the Most Important Test he will ever take and he should get right with God today.
***Next week, I’ll provide my personal insight and audit results from these conversations.***