Sunny Days to Share the Gospel

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Several Campus Leaders went to the Cinncinatti pride parade to share the gospel and handout tracts.  They were able to share the good news with many people.

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From left to right: Living Waters Ministries Ohio Representative Ryan Muniak, Campus Leader Leah Jessie, and Campus Leader Eric Williams

Here Ryan is speaking with two young ladies. The team went to share the gospel with whoever would listen. The good news is the same for everyone!

CCN President Jenifer Pepling along with a few friends went to the Cincinnati Pride Parade to share the gospel.  Jenifer personally handed out over 600 tracts, one of which was the popular Get Out of Hell Free card from One Million Tracts. People loved it!  Several wonderful conversations took place that day at the Pride parade in Cincinnati.  But the one pictured above was by far the best.  These young ladies asked lots of questions and Jenifer was able to provide them answers in a manner in which they were able to comprehend using apologetics.  More importantly Jenifer was able to share with these women created in the image of God the life saving message of the gospel.

June was also our annual outreach booth at the Cheswick Strawberry Festival.  We had a wonderful time witnessing to the residents of Cheswick where we were able to share the gospel with many, many people.  Though it had rained the last few years we didn’t allow that to dampen our spirits going into this outreach.  Nonetheless, the Lord was gracious in that we did not have any rain this year!  Here Dennis is conversing with local Christians about Christian Collegian Network while encouraging them to share their faith with others.  For more information about CCN outreach events visit us here: 

Jenifer went to the Open Air Campaigners training session this month. On the first day after the gospel message was preached about 10 little girls quickly surrounded her.  They curiously began asking questions about how to be saved.  Jen told them that they must be born again (John 3:7).  A bit perplexed several of these precious little ones piped up right away and asked “Wait, you become a baby again and are born over again?”  It was like a passage right out of the Bible!  Out of the mouths of babes, eh? Please pray for CCN that through this ministry God’s kingdom will continue to expand while the ministry itself will grow and flourish.  Please pray also for all those who heard the gospel this month that they would repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ! Finally, a heartfelt thank you for your continued support for this ministry!  All of which is made possible through your generous contributions and prayer. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you!

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