“As for what was sown on good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands it. He indeed bears fruit and yields, in one case a hundredfold, in another sixty, and in another thirty.” – Matthew 13:23
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could know which people we encounter while witnessing are the good soil from Jesus’ parable and which are not? It sure would make things easier knowing who is going to respond to the gospel.
Nevertheless, while “the secret things belong to the Lord our God,…those things which are revealed belong to us” (Deut. 29:29). And that which has been revealed to Christ’s disciples is that we must faithfully sow the seed of God’s word and trust in Him alone to provide the growth.

This is Christian, a student at East Carolina University where Campus Leader Mary faithfully sows the seeds of the gospel week after week. He and Mary had a great conversation on campus recently. After class was over Christian even came back and talked with Mary some more! Please pray for Christian that, much like his namesake, he will become a true born again believer.

CCN Bible Study students Luke (top left) and Kevin (top right) conducted campus outreach aboard Slippery Rock University along with Campus Leader Matt (not shown). It was Kevin’s first time witnessing on campus. Nevertheless, both did really well and had several good one-to-one conversations as they handed out copies of “What Time Is Purple?” from Wretched ministries. Please pray for all those whom Luke and Kevin reached with the gospel message.

Love knows no bounds. Taking the Biblical mandate of Mark 16:15 to heart, CCN Campus Leaders Leah (bottom left), Eric (bottom right), and Matt (top far right) joined together with other missionaries in taking the message of salvation to the country of Senegal. Using their God-given gifts they were able to communicate the Gospel to residents in that country both verbally and through the use of sign language. Praise God!

Back here in the states Campus Leader Gene had several great conversations with students aboard the University of Pittsburgh campus. Many responded by understanding their need to repent and trust Jesus Christ. These students pictured here approached Gene shortly after he had finished setting up the always popular IQ test. After having some fun with these crowd pleasing brain teasers Gene was easily able to transition to the good person test then walk them through the law and gospel.
While CCN has had a busy month sowing seeds at campuses both near and abroad, please pray that God would send faithful partners to come alongside and water those seeds. And as we labor diligently out in the harvest field each week pray also that we will continue to trust that God will give the growth.
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you!
Live near a campus? Interested in becoming a CCN campus leader? Learn how to train students to share their faith Biblically. Visit Start a Campus Fellowship and see if you qualify.