One cold Tuesday afternoon at North Carolina State University, I had a wonderful conversation with a young student. He said that he thinks of death often and wonders why we die. He also said that he practiced Islam. I explained to this young man that the Bible tells us why we die. We commit cosmic treason every day against God. We are earning death and God’s wrath. I also explained that God gave us a gift in the Sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ, who took on flesh to pay our debt in full when He became the Sacrifice in his place. He listened and said that he had never heard that before. I asked him if he read the Quran daily. He did read it almost every day. I wondered if he would accept a Bible. He said he would not but emphasized that he did not want to be disrespectful. I told him that it seemed that he was at a crossroads in his life. He knew that death was coming one day. Was he ready? Did he know that he was on the right path? I asked him to investigate Jesus Christ.
He did decide to take a Bible, and he walked three blocks to my car to get one.
Carol (alias for her actual name) visits me every week at East Carolina University. She disagrees with my faith, yet she comes and spends about an hour with me each week. We have wonderful conversations together. I am praying that Jesus will rescue her soul.
Goals :
Weekly Bible Studies with students via Zoom.
Have monthly outreaches and fellowships.
Build a team of like-minded people who desire to share the Gospel on university campuses and the streets.
This summer, I hope to host a children’s Bible club in a local park. The goal is to reach the unchurched children and their parents.
Please pray for me in those areas. Also, please pray for courage to speak the truth in love.
Thank you to those who partner with me. You are invaluable to me, and could not go into this world to share the Gospel without your support, and your prayers.
If you are aware of someone interested in my ministry and partnering with me as I go into the world to cast the seed of the Gospel in the field of souls. Here is the link to do that. I request that you pass my information on to them.
Thank you,
Mary Hinnant CCN Campus Missionary