We had a successful Campus Mission Tour. We had just the right number of people to go to several of the local colleges and share the gospel. We had a really cold day of 12 degrees at SRU and 70 degrees at Pitt. It was a crazy week weather wise but it was a wonderful week of sharing the gospel. We had more conversations than we have time to talk about.
Mary noticed that there is a 9/11 statue at IUP. She asked students if they knew it was a 911 statue. She asked them if they knew on 9/10 what would happen the next day would they go and warn people? They said they would but people would think they were crazy. She explained that this is what we are doing on campus. We are warning people of the judgment to come. We have all sinned against a holy, righteous and just God. He will judge us some day. Then she explained the Jesus died on the cross and rose from the grave. The students need to repent and trust Jesus so they can go to heaven.
Gene used an IQ test sign to start conversations with students.
Cliff is a master of handing out tracts. Both Tom and Cliff are great at starting conversations. With so many Christians on campus sharing the gospel students stop to see what is going on. Pray for everyone that heard the gospel.
Here is Tom and Francisco sharing the gospel in front of the 9/11 memorial.
We did an Evangelism Crash Course for Humble Ministries. Andre taught “The Law and the Gospel”. Cliff taught “Man Centered Gospel” which explains why we use the law so that we do not create false converts. Francisco taught a basic apologetic class. Jen walked everyone through some practical activities so that they could put everything they learned into action. Then everyone went out and used their new skills in the local community. Pray for everyone that learned to share and defend the gospel.