“Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” 2 Tim 3:12
When you go out and share your faith and when you try to live a Godly life then you will be persecuted. Please pray for all of the CCN students. Students that have been going and sharing their faith have ran into the crossfire of people they love, roommates and other students. The students have been standing up for the truth and I ask you to pray for them. Please pray they would continue to share the truth of the Bible and the gospel. Pray that they would keep eternity in mind during their daily activities.
Here is Alex and Josh sharing their faith on the college campus. Pray for the young man holding the card that he would see Jesus as something he needs to save his soul and not as just something that has many flavors and it just depends on your taste.
This young man was upset by us talking about Jesus. After explaining to him the gospel and giving different parts of my testimony he was willing that he and I talk again about Jesus at a later date.
The booth at Mar’s Apple festival was a huge success. Hundreds of people heard the gospel. It rained most of the day but still people were willing to stop and talk. I was able to minister to one women that just cried while she told me all that had happened to her the past two years. I was able to share the gospel with her and pray for her.
hank you for your support, without it I could not continue to do ministry on the college campuses. I am grateful to be able to share the gospel with the students even in the rain!