Happy New Year!
As 2018 comes to a close and while many have already begun to take up their resolutions for the new year, here at CCN we too have resolved to “Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old” but to look ahead a “new thing” from the Lord in 2019 (Is. 43:18,19).
But first, a glance at some of the past month’s events…

We had a wonderful time at this year’s “First Night” New Years Eve outreach downtown Pittsburgh. From left to right are CCN President Jenifer, CCN workers Laura and Jim, and Assistant Campus Leader Dennis. Despite the rain it turned out to be a great night for outreach where over 1,000 gospel tracts were distributed!

Campus Leader Cliff spoke to a biker recently who sported a tattoo that he thought had read “Thank God’. Asking about the tattoo was a good ice breaker and Cliff was able to share the gospel with this gentleman. At first the man wanted to get out of the conversation and rather quickly. But soon after he had heard the good news of the gospel he wanted to stay and listen to all that Cliff had to say. He did not have any questions he just wanted to hear more about Jesus and the good news. Please pray for this man that the seeds which Cliff has sown would one day take root and grow in Christ!

Sporting events are a great way to share the gospel with a multitude of people all at once. Here Campus Leader Gene is taking Steeler’s fans through the “I.Q Test” as a way to gain their attention before introducing to them the law and the gospel. By positioning himself on the street corner of a busy intersection Gene is employing a great witnessing strategy as people wait for their turn to cross to the other side of the street. Can you say “captive audience”?

Rain or shine Pitt Campus Leader Gene and his assistant Dennis have been hitting the streets of Pittsburgh each week to share the Gospel. Dennis is seen here talking to Luca, a finance major, who was all ears listening intently as Dennis walked him through the law and the Gospel. Gene has also had some very good discussions this semester with other students, some of whom are professing Christians, who Gene would often encourage and challenge to join CCN to learn how to share their faith Biblically. Please pray for the salvation of the students at Pitt and that they would join Gene and Dennis for Bible study.

2018 was a remarkable year for CCN! We are truly grateful for all the opportunities God has allowed through this ministry to share the gospel with others.
Most of all we are grateful for our ministry partners who faithfully pray and support our campus missionaries. “Forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead” in the new yearmay we “press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil.3:13,14)!
The Lord bless you and keep you in 2019!