I was able to share the gospel with these five young men. They asked many good questions about salvation and how to get to heaven. They thought they would be able to get there without Jesus. Explaining that without the righteousness of Christ, there is no way to heaven was needed to expand their understanding. The students thought they might be able to earn their way to heaven. One of them thought they were just not bad enough to end up in hell. I realized that I have been sharing the gospel for 18 years now. Please pray that God enables me to continue for another 18 more.
The New Year’s event was very different this year. We had to change our normal location for witnessing. It was a good night of witnessing. We were able to share the gospel with some JW’s. The one was in training to learn to share their message and Laura was able to go over that Jesus is God over and over again with her. I was able to share the gospel with a gentleman from India. He did not know about Jesus and was glad to understand more about him. Pray for everyone who heard the gospel on New Year’s Eve.