The student above was doing a video for class. He was walking around talking to people for a class. Tim Got to share the gospel with him. Later in the week the entire class will get to hear Tim share the gospel with this young man.
In March most of the Campus Leaders went down to Austin Texas for the Campus Mission Tour. We had a great time sharing the gospel with hundreds of students via conversations. We enjoyed teaching and fellowship.
received a wonderful compliment from this conversation that Cliff had.
He was told that CCN is different because we were the only Campus
ministry able to answer the hard questions. We teach what we believe and
how we know. We train Christians to be able to share and defend the
Christian faith. I am so grateful to God that He has been able to use
CCN to share the truth with students.
Mary witnessed to a young Mormon who clings to a false Jesus. Matthew 24:24 tells us in the last days many false Christs, and false prophets will arise and deceive many.
It is very difficult to witness someone so deceived that they are risking their eternity on lies. The Bible clearly states it is the truth, and that Jesus is the only way the truth and the life. No one can come to God any other way . They must come through Jesus Christ.
My young Mormon friend clung to a false Jesus and false teaching of Mormonism to the point of frustration in tears. We are to give the truth of God‘s word to others, and sometimes it will bring frustration and tears. But wouldn’t you rather give them tears here While exposing the lies that they believe instead of them crying out from their eternal prison, “why wasn’t I warned? “ We gave the Gospel to many during our Campus Mission Tour. Please pray for my young Mormon friend Sean.
Andre was able to draw a large crowd at the Texas State Capital. Many were able to hear the gospel.
Jen is pictured here having what she believed was the best conversation she had of the trip. She had a hour long conversation with a muslim gentalman. He heard and was able to recieve truth. Please pray for him.
Tom did a great job running the Campus Mission Tour. He also did a wonderful job sharing the gospel with this young man.